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Religion on Facebook

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

Mr. Hancock, Years ago, I addressed this issue and expressed concern to preaching evangelicals on Facebook who were considering moving the church to people who didn't consent to the contents. Nevertheless, many people are dissatisfied with using Facebook as a platform, but that is just a prejudiced perspective; anyone can blog or vlog here. I've seen political viewpoints debated and rejected, and some heated debates that spiraled out of control. I'm not sure what that means. Is it fine to incorporate religion into the conversation for people who merely want to share what their families are up to or communicate with friends, as well as blog about personal experiences? Personally, I find some religious blogs appropriate to read, especially when they emphasize unification messages and back them up with text from the Bible. It might be irritating, however, if the host delivers a full sermon on a daily basis while continually condemning and reciting shaming quotes like "The devil loves to keep us busy self promoting ourselves, mentally assessing the mistakes of others." We never see or deal with what is wrong with ourselves in this way. " We can't all be Jimmy stewards. Preaching in a church or at a more focused and appropriate venue, and I'm not saying we're perfect beings, but we're not sitting in some back alley smoking crack all day. That is not the situation here. The majority of people I see on Facebook are doing good things, are actively involved in their communities, or are social professionals with strong links to their families. I'm sure there are other options for attracting new members to your church. Although I felt partial good intentions, I believe the execution may have been given differently and in a less offensive manner because the messaging comes across as repetitive. The irony is that you're preaching about judging while being judged for doing exactly that. Just like what I am doing right now, the only difference is that I'm being objective in responding to your subjectivity. So there's that truth being pointed out by your preferences in ideas and conversation. I'm not sure what the criteria are for preaching, as that isn't my area of expertise, but I know God is unique. My God, you see, encourages everyone in their current endeavors. He is inclusive of everyone and everything, and he is unquestionably open to change. We're no longer in Kansas. Enlighten one another so that they can draw strength and confidence to continue on their quest. However, I do not advocate my ideas in the name of God. It's not ideal, and it goes against my genetic make-up. And for the love of Free Willy, stop making it newsworthy that you discovered God on your own and no one has ever heard of him. Respectfully, #blogger

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