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Blog: Star Wars Division.

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

☕️🌺 The recent sequels reminded us of such divide does exist.

🏹 The book "Boba Fett" has gotten a lot of bad press. I can't imagine being a devoted fan while constantly criticizing all films that seek to pay homage. Something doesn't add up in my mind. As a fan, I'm disappointed that there's such a schism among the audience. Is this a true schism, or are these just posers posing as fans to acquire subscribers and viewers? Years ago, I expressed my displeasure with Kathleen Kennedy and her entourage's treatment of the treasured franchise. I was correct, as it turned out. Aside from her betrayal in overseeing the franchise, there has been a lot of reaction. It's been difficult to stomach Star Wars' identity politics and polarization, which focuses on promoting characters based on ethnicity and new profound genders who serve no purpose in the story or help the franchise move forward in any way, not to mention the original characters we've grown to love who are either written off-script or killed permanently. However, a rising number of fans are calling for retaliation. That's why I'm grateful to Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, filmmakers who grew up in the Star Wars universe. They’re experienced and well-versed in the franchise's backstory. Also, they understand how to carefully evaluate prospective spin-offs to retain continuity with the original trilogy.

🗡This is why the world is screwed today, especially when you're talking to a confused twenty-one-year-old hateful streamer with a false sense of comprehension, as I discovered in a recent conversation with a faux Star Wars enthusiast on YouTube. It's disturbing because he can't tell the difference between having an objective judgment based on personal experience and condemning something only based on personal taste and preferences. As a result, we have exclusive access to our thoughts. By recognizing that we're just viewers and not attempting to be some kind of academy award-winning film guru wannabe, dissecting the entire show. Let me be clear: having a critique is fine as long as it is limited to what you can connect to based on your personal experiences. But don't act like you're a certified film critic, especially if you're a seething twenty-one-year-old who hasn't worked in the field. There is a significant difference. Please take the time to study it. However, I'm not sure why so many streamers use the same formula. Is it because they require fresh content for their fans? What is the average age of these viewers, often known as followers? The majority of the streamers appeared to be in their adolescent years.

💣 Please allow working film professionals to tell the story in the way they see fit. I'm sure we all have our own ideas about how to tell this story, but it's not up to us. When I don't love a film, it's usually due to a mismatch between the genre and my tastes. And, while I've done a lot of personal projects and been a part of a lot of indie cinema productions, I wouldn't go so far as to claim that the professionals are amateurs in contrast to these young streamers. During the Boba Fett review, one particular person stated that the editing was awful and lacked balance. What exactly does that mean? No one I know is concerned about the balance when watching a movie. That's an unusual reaction from a curious audience. In addition, the majority of viewers enjoy the series' tempo, particularly in Episode 2, when the Tuscan storyline is foreshadowed. True fans are appreciative of the franchise's redress. Instead, they criticize the production's mechanical process and evolution rather than the bulk of the story itself, which I must agree is a weird reaction for a so-called true fan. Seriously, what are you trying to prove?

🧨People seem to be jumping on the troll bandwagon in search of something to smear. The approach might have been easier to accept if they had maintained it as a criticism, but instead, they went off the tracks by attempting to be something else. Try to comprehend that you're not a fan, but a troll with too much free time, even if it's just for a moment. You can't be a fan of something and always be negative about it. Please take a moment to examine your motivations and justifications. Let’s think on that for a second. I am challenging the common sense in that statement. That you’re a “true fan” while being negative about everything. How can you call yourself a fan if you don't find the series entertaining? As though your sole mission in life is to despise the show. The solution is simple: don't watch it! But claiming to be a fan while slamming the franchise is a farce. I remind myself to be honest that criticism allows novices and haters alike to be critical, giving the illusion of comprehension of one's work because they can't say it to their faces. It does not imply that it is correct simply because it exists and we have the freedom to express such hatred. Again, I can’t stress this enough: while freely expressing such negativity doesn't mean it's OK to normalize it by repeating the cycle.

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