☕️🌺 Dear Santa Claus:
In the early 1900s, a notable musician noticed that things should be kept unsaid, oblivious to the nutritional effect of a closed lips. How can we get to the truth if we don't allow ourselves to consider what if and what can happen? When I remark that our specific struggles have tested and pushed us to uncover what has always been there all along, I am convinced that many of us can relate. I became aware of existing problems or problems that had been right in front of my eyes all along as a result of my independence and readiness to pursue of a truth. What should I do if I see these issues again, is my query.
For the longest time, I preferred to ignore it and turn my back on it. I think I selected interpersonal wisdom to cope with such a circumstance, and I've been doing so for well over two decades. And now I'm riddled with regret, especially when it comes to those l love dearly. As an adult, I need to reassess my approach because the problem keeps reappearing and delivering the same results. And now I have to question myself if I was too naive to disregard it under the guise of knowledge or foolish to confront my own cowardice? Who is to blame if no compromises made? Throw me a freaking bone here! #blogger